杯型蛋糕瘋? (Cupcake Crazy – Why?)

我花了一些時間, 上網查了查這些有關杯型蛋糕的新聞, 總結出下例幾點是讓杯型蛋糕如此受歡迎的原因:
- 隨時隨地可以享用, 不必事先大費周章安排計畫. 不管你是在走路, 在坐地下鐵(是的, 紐約地下鐵是可以吃東西的), 或是在逛街, 手裡拿著杯型蛋糕邊走邊吃, 一點都不奇怪. 還有, 可以當作早餐配咖啡, 快速午餐配可樂, 或是當下午茶點心配紅茶, 甚至是宵夜配溫牛奶, 真的是非常容易搭配.
- 份量剛剛好, 一人份的小蛋糕加上糖霜, 不大, 但足夠讓你立刻精力充沛, 精神百倍!!
- 蛋糕和糖霜是分開製作, 口味變化極多, 即使一次買十二個, 每一個的組合也可以不同, 符合現代人喜歡有多重選擇的個性.
- 自從 "慾望城市" 裏的 Carrie 特別喜歡杯型蛋糕上的糖霜, 似乎紐約的熟女們也都同時愛上它那甜滋滋的魅力.
- 杯型蛋糕會喚起兒時的回憶, 有媽媽的味道.
也許最後一點的原因對於我們來說, 比較不是那麼貼切有理, 不過光以上四點, 我想就足夠讓這小小杯型蛋糕風靡全台灣了. 你今天吃了杯型蛋糕嗎? 還沒?? 那你就不夠紐約嘍!
Cupcake is the most talked about dessert in New York, we often see articles in
New York Times, Time Out New York magazine, or New York Magazine, etc, about newly opened bakeries, which dedicate only to cupcakes, or stories about fighting who is the original cupcake trend starter, who is the copycat, who makes the best, most delicious cupcakes in the city for kids and for adults? And there are blogs talk nothing but the cupcakes. You will not believe how American crazy about this little wonder!
I spend some time reading articles from above sources, and found out a few reasons why New Yorkers like cupcakes so much. First, they are easy to transport. You can eat them while you are walking, taking a subway, taxi, or shopping. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch, snack, or even before bedtime with a glass of warm milk. Second, they are not big portion, but just big enough to boost your energy. Third, they are individually flavored, so you can pick a dozen and not have the same combination. Fourth, they are a trend, set by Carrie in "Sex and the City." She loves cupcake frosting, then all the "in" girls follow. Fifth, they bring back the warm fuzzy of childhood memory. The list can go on and on, and it all depends how you want to experience this little cake.
Do you like cupcakes? Is it going to be popular in Taiwan soon? I definitely think so!
Labels: cake 蛋糕
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