NY Anything - It's a New York thing


我愛甜菜 ABC 果汁

Apple 蘋果 + Beet 甜菜 + Carrot 紅蘿蔔 = ABC 果汁

1. 在寫這一篇文章之前,以為它是根莖類植物(其實錯了!是草本植物,我們吃的是根的部份)。
2. 除了甘蔗之外製作糖的原料之一。
3. 顏色深紅,是古代用來當作紅色的染料。如果衣服不小心沾到,那可沒啥辦法可挽救。
4. 現在是季節,greenmarket 每一攤,小山都堆很高。
5. 對身體很好(含豐富的維生素 C 和維生素 A ),而且可以幫助改善消化系統(意思是xx會變順暢),要多吃就對了。

台灣哪裡買?? 我在台北天母的大葉高島屋 Jasons Market Place 曾經買過。和進口蔬菜放一起,用塑膠盒子裝的,但沒有葉子,只有根的部份。

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Anonymous tk said...

what a pretty color!! too bad that beets are a lit bit too sweet for me to consume.....

Surprise to learn that beet is herbaceous plant, I thought it's root vegetable. How about the leave part, can we consume it?

6/07/2009 03:54:00 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

yeah, we can eat the leaves as well, it can be sauteed like swiss chard, not sure about eating raw in a salad though, maybe the leave will be too tough.

6/07/2009 09:24:00 PM  

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