一直很想把做果醬的食譜寫下來,但遲遲都寫不完整 。舊金山格友 Min 的詳細介紹,足足讓你功力精進百倍。想想自己動手做果醬好像是好多年以前的事,第一次做的是草莓白蘭地果醬,當時是住在溫哥華的烘焙生手,食譜是從 Cooking Light 雜誌裡看到的。食譜中只有3種材料,草莓,砂糖和檸檬汁。很簡單也不易出錯,只是這種果醬只能放在冰箱冷藏,也必須快快在一星期內吃完。我自作主張的加了一點點白蘭地,意外的棒。接下來每年做個一種兩種,自己都記不太清楚到底做過什麼。一直到最近幾年來才有用數位相機拍照,所以還有一點記錄。Here they are:
2006 杏桃 Apricot vanilla jam 2006 血橙 Blood orange marmalade
2009 金桔 Kumquat marmalade 2009 葡萄柚大黃 Rhubarb grapefruit preserves 2009 黃李水蜜桃 Yellow plum and peach preserves with ginger 2009 紅李伯爵茶 Plum with Earl Grey tea preserve 照片請看我的 I Love Jam
一直很想再到舊金山玩一次,除了在紐約才認識的好友 Joanne 是在那裏長大的,所以現在對舊金山哪裡好吃好玩也聽了不少,還有從小學就認識到現在的 TK 也住在那裏,歐,還有一位現在是化學博士的小學同學也住在那裏,還有格友 Min ,好像所有認識的人不是住在紐約就是舊金山,哈哈,真是好玩,看來要去舊金山是遲早的事(好像是講給 V 聽的,嘻嘻)。
除了探訪這些好朋友之外,還想到 Blue Bottle 喝杯咖啡,(我們是他們的頭號粉絲,常常不惜鉅資網路訂購他們的咖啡),到 A16 去吃一餐(我好喜歡他們的新書),還有到 Ferry Building 的農夫市場逛逛,吃 Boccalone Salumeria 的沙拉米,當場嚐嚐 Frog Hollow Farm 的新鮮水果和杏桃果醬,當然最重要的是去 Miette 吃甜點!!! Joanne 上次返家時還特別在上飛機之前去買 cupcake 帶回紐約給我(超級感動的),我吃過之後久久都不能忘記這好好吃的杯型蛋糕,尤其是蛋糕上面的糖霜,不會很甜,入口即化的口感,和紐約大部分杯型蛋糕上的美式糖霜很不同。 ↑ Miette 的杯型蛋糕: 12點鐘方向的是chocolate cupcake with marshmallow icing 巧克力蛋糕配棉花糖糖霜,三點鐘方向是chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing 巧克力蛋糕配香草糖霜,最前面的是 vanilla cupcake with fresh strawberry icing 香草蛋糕配新鮮草莓糖霜, 最左邊的是 chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing 巧克力蛋糕配新鮮草莓糖霜。我最喜歡的是香草蛋糕配草莓糖霜,尤其是那草莓糖霜,草莓的香味好濃喔。
我本身還蠻喜歡 sticky bun 的,在美式的麵包店或是咖啡廳,通常都是和肉桂捲一樣受歡迎的。它和肉桂捲不同的地方是烘焙時,Sticky bun 要先在烤盤裡放入 “goo”,也就是由奶油,黑糖,蜂蜜和鮮奶油攪拌而成的黏黏的糖漿,之後才放上成型的麵包捲去發酵和烘焙。而肉桂捲則是烘焙好之後再淋上鮮奶油或是鮮奶調製的糖霜。
今天無意間看到這個影音片段,好吸引人喔!馬上把這個食譜加入我的 To Do List "試做單"裡。
如果你也想要自己試試看,這裡是 King Arthur Flour 網站上的食譜。 King Arthur Flour 是一個美國麵粉的牌子,他們的麵粉種類很多,品質相當可靠,不論是職業級的麵包師父或是自己在家玩烘焙的我們,都給予這家公司很大的評價。他們網站裡的資訊也很齊全豐富,是喜歡做甜點或是麵包必逛的網頁。
有人知道 sticky bun 的中文叫什麼嗎?我快抓破頭了都還不知道要怎麼說。。。。我阿,真是沒創意。
Sugar & Whips 是紐約市 6 位有名的甜點主廚共同與 iSi 主辦的 Dessert Party 。場地是在 Astor Center 裡的 The Gallery。
Astor Center 位於 NoHo (North of Houston Street),是一棟由 Astor Wines & Spirits (專門販賣酒精類飲料的商店),The Gallery (藝廊空間),The Kitchen (廚藝教室),The Study (上課教室)組合而成。在這個組合式的空間,會不定期的舉辦一些和飲食有關的活動。
Dutch Baby is also called German Pancake. It's a big, puffy pancake which tranditionally is baked in a cast iron pan with basic pancake batter, which are made of milk, egg, flour and melted butter.
This is a very fast breakfast to prepare, and only take about 15 to 20 min from start to finish. Think about it, you can make a big fluffy, golden brown pancake to serve 4 people, instead of makeing 12 regular size pancakes. What a time saver recipe.
Since the batter does not contain sugar, so it could be a savory treat as well, so the variation for Dutch Baby could be endless. The only thing need to remember is, you have to serve it right away, the rise-up-high pancake will fall dramaticlly, even thought it will still taste yammy, but just not so grand looking after a few minutes.
Classic Dutch Baby is plain, without any filling in it, and after it comes out from the oven, just top the hot pancake with a lot of powder sugar and serve it with some fruit jam.
In this picture, I sprinkle some fresh lemon zest on top of it, and serve it with lemon wages.
This delicious and quick breakfast certainly make my day!!
以前常常做 biscotti, 但總是失敗, 有時太圓胖, 有時太細長, 大部分都是太扁平, 真是傷透了腦筋! 有一天不知在哪本雜誌意外讀到, 為了要做出完美 biscotti, 必須將麵糰稱重, 每個麵糰是 12 盎司, 也就是 336 公克, 然後再將麵糰整型和標準的考盤長邊一樣長. 如此一來, 不管你的食譜份量是如何, 也能做出超完美的 biscotti. Recipe from Craft of Cooking by Tom Colicchio.
Biscotti means "twice baked" and it's very crunchy and made to dip into coffee or wine. I have been making this delicious and very popular cookie from time to time, but the first few times, the biscotti either came out too big, too small, or too flat.
After these failures, I found out from a magazine that you need to weight the dough to 12 oz. per log, and stretch the dough into the length of regular baking pan. This way, each log of the biscotti will be the same, so you will have very uniformed cookies.
What a sunny morning! Breakfast is great with a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, a moist, light and not so sweet muffin bake with fresh blueberry.
The tip of making beautiful blueberry muffin is fold 1/ 4 of the blueberries into the batter, then mix the rest of berries with 1 tablespoon of flour, so the blueberry will distribute evenly in the muffin. You should give it a try!
不知你還有沒有更好的點子呢?Orange is a very common fruit in the States. So what can we do with orange, sugar and water? Using cooking method–stew some orange slices doesn't sound very attractive, but it is a very good way to go, if orange is the only fruit you have handy for making a dessert.
For example, put the stewed orange slice as a garnish on the top of a chiffon cake, or vanilla panna cotta. Use it as a plate decoration for its color and flavor, chop it fine and make it as a spread for filling the sponge cake or roll, or even layer it into pound cakes to make it more moist. Tt's that versatile.
Enjoy, maybe you can create some amazing desserts from this!
這個食譜是出自於巧克力界的大師 Robert Linxe 唯一的一本食譜書, Mr. Linex 是 La Maison du Chocolat 的創始人, 在這二十多年來, 對於巧克力界的影響不容忽視. 原因之一, 是他是第一個提倡巧克力糖(Chocolate Truffle)不應該只是在聖誕節和復活節才可以吃的到的人, 巧克力糖是一種使人愉悅的食物, 所以將它普及化, 讓大家一年 365 天都可以享受的到巧克力糖的美味.
1977 年, 他開了第一家 La Maison du Chocolat, 至今全世界有五家分店: 巴黎, 倫敦(2家), 紐約和東京. 這些年來, 不論是在店面經營、產品的包裝, 還是對於本身巧克力大師 ( Chocolatier ) 的身份提升, 都有重要的貢獻. 有人評論他是 "甘那許的魔法師" ( sorcerer of ganache ), 原因是: 巧克力糖的美味關鍵, 是包在中心的餡料, 而這些餡料大部分是由甘那許-也就是鮮奶油混合巧克力而成, La Maison du Chocolat 的巧克力糖似乎藏有無限的魔力, 讓你捨不得與別人分享那咖啡色的小盒子.
這個起司蛋糕和一般起司蛋糕不同的是, 吃起來滑軟順口, 但有一點點麗克塔起司的顆粒, 起司味道不重且有淡淡牛奶香. 紅酒焦糖醬是截取自一個蘋果派食譜的一部分, 也可以用在其他甜點的搭配, 例如:千層派和杏仁洋梨塔. Mascarpone Cheese, Ricotta Cheese or Cream Cheese is often the cheese of the choice when we make a cheesecake. Here, however, in this recipe, is using all of them together, it's as luxury as it can be. The recipe was hand written in the recipe book in Craft's Pastry Kitchen, and no one seems to know exactly whose recipe this is, someone say it's from one of kitchen worker's family secret recipe, they make this cheesecake for family meal only.
The texture of this cheesecake is creamy, but with a little bit grainy feel. The flavor is combined perfectly, and with a milky undertone. I chose the red wine caramel sauce to go with this special cheesecake. The sauce is part of Tyler FlorenceThe ultimate caramel apple pie recipe.
The sauce is part of the apple pie filling. I like to use it as an individual sauce for some desserts, like Mille-Feuille or Tart Bourdaloue, and it works great! The sauce has a slight red wine test with the flavor of caramel. The bitterness, tanginess and sweetness make this unique sauce a standout.
近幾年來, 大家都在討論吃地瓜的好處, 可以減肥, 更可以養生, 每天一頓的地瓜餐可是許多名人的養生秘方. 既然要多多吃地瓜, 不如換換口味, 多吃點不同的地瓜派吧! Recipe from: Baking Illustrated by the Editors of Cook’s Illustrated Magazine.
Sweet potato pie is a southern dessert, and a traditional dish at Thanksgivings table. From where I am from, people are not usually seeing sweet potato as a pie filling. We deep fry it as French fry, steam it, cook it in sugar syrup, or roast it in a small coal pit. The smell of fresh roasted sweet potato is really attempting, you will want to eat them while they are still piping hot. Next time, you should try to put the roasted potato in the refrigerator and eat them cold, you will find out that the flesh become a little chewy and sticky, very yummy.
Sweet potato is a health food, it is high in fiber, low in sodium and cholesterol, also fat free and a good source of Vitamin B6, A and C. If you are going to eat more dessert, have the health one!
Using both cocoa powder and bittersweet chocolate, make this cake full of chocolate flavor; sour cream and light brown sugar, make it super tender and moist.
The new trick is mixing softened butter and cocoa powder to brush the bundt pan!! It worked beautifully!
This dessert is a truly nice one to make for summer. Pineapple, caramel and flan in one dessert? What a combination!
The special things need to watch out when making this dessert:
Dice the pineapple small and uniformly.
Making dry caramel (meaning only using sugar, not sugar and water to make caramel), so it contents less moisture, and more intense flavor.
Before pouring the custard mixture into ramekins, allow caramel to be hardened. (you could put it into frig for half hour, if the weather is really hot).